Gaggle Logo

Enjoy every flight with the best rated flying app

We believe everyone should have a great flying experience and we have a plan for everyone. Choose the plan that suits you best.

For everyone


Recording your flights and sharing your live location with family in case of emergencies is free for everyone.


Perfect for friends and family

  • Flight instruments
  • Flight recording
  • Share and view flights
  • Live air traffic (SafeSky)
  • Emergency contact
  • Live tracking for nearby pilots
  • No ads

A copilot in your pocket

Frequent Flyer

This plan is ideal if you fly regularly from the same place. Get flight exports, group notifications, audio cues, and more.


Annual plans are discounted. Check the app for details.

  • All Wingman features
  • Audio cues
  • Create, share, and fly routes
  • Airspaces in supported regions
  • Groups and group notifications
  • Flight exports to IGC & Excel
  • 3D flight replays
  • Achievements & Badges
  • Emergency SMS

Our most popular plan


If you value privacy or like to explore new places and meet new people to go fly with then this is the best plan for you.


Annual plans are discounted. Check the app for details.

  • All Frequent Flyer features
  • Detailed weather forecasts
  • Message other pilots
  • Flyable forecasts for flying sites
  • Private flying sites
  • Weather radar in supported regions
  • "Ask Gaggle" chat-bot
  • Group Leaderboards
  • Golden Gaggle Badge
  • with more to come

* Prices are indicative and may vary depending on your country, currency, store, and tax laws.

Download our app now and get started for free!

Flight Instruments, replays, friends, flying sites, weather, and more at your fingertips with our user-friendly app.