Gaggle Logo
Release - Sep 17, 2023

Points of interest and more

The Gaggle logo
  1. Added in points of interest. You can now create and share points of interest with others. For the time being this will only show up in route planning, but I am busy working on more routing changes that will show these in flight and allow you to update your route to fly to them.

  2. Updated route planning:

    1. You can now search for any address, flying site, or point of interest to move the map to that location.
    2. You can tap any point of interest or flying site to quickly add a waypoint to that location.
  3. Improved G-Force measurements. Please let me know how it works for you?

  4. Improved filtering of incorrect GPS speeds that could happen in some cases.

  5. The replay viewer now includes AGL.

  6. The replay viewer now shows a larger bar chart when tapping one of the stats.

  7. Added back the altitude gain stat on recording screen.

  8. Activity feed improvements, the feed should now be quicker to load recent activity.

  9. Improved notifications:

    1. Recording notifications will now replace currently flying notifications when the pilot has landed.
    2. Recording notifications will now show the recording image of the flight allowing you to quickly view the flight without opening the app.
  10. Added a system setting on iOS to clear the app cache.

  11. We now allow decimal values for the glide ratio on a wing.

  12. You can now specify fuel consumption adjustment per wing. So if you have a wing that uses more fuel for instance adding in an adjustment value of 0.5 will add this to your motors fuel consumption. Same goes for -0.5.

  13. Updating your flight count/hours on the user profile page will now correctly update your public stats as well.

  14. Various other small bug fixes and improvements